Thursday, October 27, 2016

1st quarter reflections

In the first quarter of ELA it was some what a little challenging in the beginning of the class. Through out the quarter we would discuss a lot about articles and story's and in those discussions we would have to write a blog about what we learned. I feel like that I have improved in my writing because before I wouldn't write a paragraph or use any details to help explain my story on what I was talking about. I also had hard focusing on what I was writing about and I didn't quite understand some things.  Now that I see from my writing that I have improved a lot and I could explain more things better. I would say that I do need a little bit more help on my writing just with correcting some sentences with my punctuations. So far my paragraphs are improving little by little.

What are some strategies that helped benefit me through on the way. Some strategies that helped me through the 1st quarter of ELA is that I learned a lot of new words and phrases that helped me improve a lot of new things. I also learned some words can mean the same thing. I read a book that I have never read before and it was interesting to read about. I learned a lot of new things that I have never learned before. There are some things that I need to prepare for when I go to high school because there are so many things to learn about in the world that we can not miss out on.

Some things I have learned about the world is that you are never gonna get what you want. You actually have to work for what you really want to achieve in your future and you have to believe in yourself in order for you not not give up on your goal. Another thing is that if you want something in this world you can't always be so negative or so positive you should be both so that you could learn from your mistakes and know what to do for the next time. If you wanted to try something new you will be ready for what ever comes at you.

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