Friday, March 31, 2017

3rd Quarter Reflections

During third quarter I have learned a lot of new things. In the past months in ELA we learn new words every week, we also learn new prefixes/roots words. I would say that quarter 1 & 2 were my best achievements but I feel like this time in 3rd Quarter I didn't really try best on achieving my work. In this quarter I had a lot of homework missing which was mainly IXL. I wasn't participating that much in class. I started getting bad grades in ELA. So third quarter wasn't my best, but hopefully next quarter I'll try my best in order to get good grades and not miss any homework and stay on task.

Some things that I am proud of in third quarter are I learned about the Holocaust which before I never heard about, and it was interesting to learn about the Holocaust because not many people know about the tragdy with the Jews. We did this project about the Holocaust each person had a poem written by one of the Holocaust survivors when they were younger. In the poem we had to make a butterfly out of it based on our poem. Many people have creative butterfly's.We even went on a field trip about the Holocaust to learn more things about the Jews.

For the book challenge I haven't been reading any books lately, but I have read some books here and there. In the third quarter we have been doing some blogs. I think my blogs are improving little by little, but I know I still need some work to do and a little of fixing, but I do think that my blogs have gotten better through out the school year. Some strategies that I have for next quarter is try not to wonder of into space all the time. Also try to get as much work done as possible to get good grades. 

Lately in ELA class we have been doing lots of research. My reasearch before was not the best. I didn't really provide that much information. Now I think my reasearch has gotten better because before I wouldn't try my best using the information. Now that we are doing more reasearch I have gotten better. I now know how to get information and provide it into a better way of writing and I can use quotes to help my writing I could use the information that I have and put it into my own words. My research has gotten better it just takes time to get better at it and soon it will be easier.

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